
 * Created by Alex Bol on 3/10/2017.

"use strict";
import Flatten from '../flatten';
import * as Intersection from '../algorithms/intersection';
import {convertToString} from "../utils/attributes";
import {Shape} from "./shape";

 * Class representing a circular arc
 * @type {Arc}
export class Arc extends Shape {
     * @param {Point} pc - arc center
     * @param {number} r - arc radius
     * @param {number} startAngle - start angle in radians from 0 to 2*PI
     * @param {number} endAngle - end angle in radians from 0 to 2*PI
     * @param {boolean} counterClockwise - arc direction, true - clockwise, false - counterclockwise
    constructor(...args) {
         * Arc center
         * @type {Point}
        this.pc = new Flatten.Point();
         * Arc radius
         * @type {number}
        this.r = 1;
         * Arc start angle in radians
         * @type {number}
        this.startAngle = 0;
         * Arc end angle in radians
         * @type {number}
        this.endAngle = 2 * Math.PI;
         * Arc orientation
         * @type {boolean}
        this.counterClockwise = Flatten.CCW;

        if (args.length === 0)

        if (args.length === 1 && args[0] instanceof Object && args[0].name === "arc") {
            let {pc, r, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise} = args[0];
            this.pc = new Flatten.Point(pc.x, pc.y);
            this.r = r;
            this.startAngle = startAngle;
            this.endAngle = endAngle;
            this.counterClockwise = counterClockwise;
        } else {
            let [pc, r, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise] = [...args];
            if (pc && pc instanceof Flatten.Point) this.pc = pc.clone();
            if (r !== undefined) this.r = r;
            if (startAngle !== undefined) this.startAngle = startAngle;
            if (endAngle !== undefined) this.endAngle = endAngle;
            if (counterClockwise !== undefined) this.counterClockwise = counterClockwise;

        // throw Flatten.Errors.ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS; unreachable code

     * Return new cloned instance of arc
     * @returns {Arc}
    clone() {
        return new Flatten.Arc(this.pc.clone(), this.r, this.startAngle, this.endAngle, this.counterClockwise);

     * Get sweep angle in radians. Sweep angle is non-negative number from 0 to 2*PI
     * @returns {number}
    get sweep() {
        if (Flatten.Utils.EQ(this.startAngle, this.endAngle))
            return 0.0;
        if (Flatten.Utils.EQ(Math.abs(this.startAngle - this.endAngle), Flatten.PIx2)) {
            return Flatten.PIx2;
        let sweep;
        if (this.counterClockwise) {
            sweep = Flatten.Utils.GT(this.endAngle, this.startAngle) ?
                this.endAngle - this.startAngle : this.endAngle - this.startAngle + Flatten.PIx2;
        } else {
            sweep = Flatten.Utils.GT(this.startAngle, this.endAngle) ?
                this.startAngle - this.endAngle : this.startAngle - this.endAngle + Flatten.PIx2;

        if (Flatten.Utils.GT(sweep, Flatten.PIx2)) {
            sweep -= Flatten.PIx2;
        if (Flatten.Utils.LT(sweep, 0)) {
            sweep += Flatten.PIx2;
        return sweep;

     * Get start point of arc
     * @returns {Point}
    get start() {
        let p0 = new Flatten.Point(this.pc.x + this.r, this.pc.y);
        return p0.rotate(this.startAngle, this.pc);

     * Get end point of arc
     * @returns {Point}
    get end() {
        let p0 = new Flatten.Point(this.pc.x + this.r, this.pc.y);
        return p0.rotate(this.endAngle, this.pc);

     * Get center of arc
     * @returns {Point}
    get center() {
        return this.pc.clone();

    get vertices() {
        return [this.start.clone(), this.end.clone()];

     * Get arc length
     * @returns {number}
    get length() {
        return Math.abs(this.sweep * this.r);

     * Get bounding box of the arc
     * @returns {Box}
    get box() {
        let func_arcs = this.breakToFunctional();
        let box = func_arcs.reduce((acc, arc) => acc.merge(, new Flatten.Box());
        box = box.merge(;
        return box;

     * Returns true if arc contains point, false otherwise
     * @param {Point} pt - point to test
     * @returns {boolean}
    contains(pt) {
        // first check if  point on circle (pc,r)
        if (!Flatten.Utils.EQ(this.pc.distanceTo(pt)[0], this.r))
            return false;

        // point on circle

        if (pt.equalTo(this.start))
            return true;

        let angle = new Flatten.Vector(this.pc, pt).slope;
        let test_arc = new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.startAngle, angle, this.counterClockwise);
        return Flatten.Utils.LE(test_arc.length, this.length);

     * When given point belongs to arc, return array of two arcs split by this point. If points is incident
     * to start or end point of the arc, return clone of the arc. If point does not belong to the arcs, return
     * empty array.
     * @param {Point} pt Query point
     * @returns {Arc[]}
    split(pt) {
        if (this.start.equalTo(pt))
            return [null, this.clone()];

        if (this.end.equalTo(pt))
            return [this.clone(), null];

        let angle = new Flatten.Vector(this.pc, pt).slope;

        return [
            new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.startAngle, angle, this.counterClockwise),
            new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, angle, this.endAngle, this.counterClockwise)

     * Return middle point of the arc
     * @returns {Point}
    middle() {
        let endAngle = this.counterClockwise ? this.startAngle + this.sweep / 2 : this.startAngle - this.sweep / 2;
        let arc = new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.startAngle, endAngle, this.counterClockwise);
        return arc.end;

     * Get point at given length
     * @param {number} length - The length along the arc
     * @returns {Point}
    pointAtLength(length) {
        if (length > this.length || length < 0) return null;
        if (length === 0) return this.start;
        if (length === this.length) return this.end;
        let factor = length / this.length;
        let endAngle = this.counterClockwise ? this.startAngle + this.sweep * factor : this.startAngle - this.sweep * factor;
        let arc = new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.startAngle, endAngle, this.counterClockwise);
        return arc.end;

     * Returns chord height ("sagitta") of the arc
     * @returns {number}
    chordHeight() {
        return (1.0 - Math.cos(Math.abs(this.sweep / 2.0))) * this.r;

     * Returns array of intersection points between arc and other shape
     * @param {Shape} shape Shape of the one of supported types <br/>
     * @returns {Point[]}
    intersect(shape) {
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Point) {
            return this.contains(shape) ? [shape] : [];
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Line) {
            return Intersection.intersectLine2Arc(shape, this);
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Ray) {
            return Intersection.intersectRay2Arc(shape, this);
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Circle) {
            return Intersection.intersectArc2Circle(this, shape);
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Segment) {
            return Intersection.intersectSegment2Arc(shape, this);
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Box) {
            return Intersection.intersectArc2Box(this, shape);
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Arc) {
            return Intersection.intersectArc2Arc(this, shape);
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Polygon) {
            return Intersection.intersectArc2Polygon(this, shape);

     * Calculate distance and shortest segment from arc to shape and return array [distance, shortest segment]
     * @param {Shape} shape Shape of the one of supported types Point, Line, Circle, Segment, Arc, Polygon or Planar Set
     * @returns {number} distance from arc to shape
     * @returns {Segment} shortest segment between arc and shape (started at arc, ended at shape)

    distanceTo(shape) {
        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Point) {
            let [dist, shortest_segment] = Flatten.Distance.point2arc(shape, this);
            shortest_segment = shortest_segment.reverse();
            return [dist, shortest_segment];

        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Circle) {
            let [dist, shortest_segment] = Flatten.Distance.arc2circle(this, shape);
            return [dist, shortest_segment];

        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Line) {
            let [dist, shortest_segment] = Flatten.Distance.arc2line(this, shape);
            return [dist, shortest_segment];

        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Segment) {
            let [dist, shortest_segment] = Flatten.Distance.segment2arc(shape, this);
            shortest_segment = shortest_segment.reverse();
            return [dist, shortest_segment];

        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Arc) {
            let [dist, shortest_segment] = Flatten.Distance.arc2arc(this, shape);
            return [dist, shortest_segment];

        if (shape instanceof Flatten.Polygon) {
            let [dist, shortest_segment] = Flatten.Distance.shape2polygon(this, shape);
            return [dist, shortest_segment];

        if (shape instanceof Flatten.PlanarSet) {
            let [dist, shortest_segment] = Flatten.Distance.shape2planarSet(this, shape);
            return [dist, shortest_segment];

     * Breaks arc in extreme point 0, pi/2, pi, 3*pi/2 and returns array of sub-arcs
     * @returns {Arc[]}
    breakToFunctional() {
        let func_arcs_array = [];
        let angles = [0, Math.PI / 2, 2 * Math.PI / 2, 3 * Math.PI / 2];
        let pts = [
            this.pc.translate(this.r, 0),
            this.pc.translate(0, this.r),
            this.pc.translate(-this.r, 0),
            this.pc.translate(0, -this.r)

        // If arc contains extreme point,
        // create test arc started at start point and ended at this extreme point
        let test_arcs = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            if (pts[i].on(this)) {
                test_arcs.push(new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.startAngle, angles[i], this.counterClockwise));

        if (test_arcs.length === 0) {                  // arc does contain any extreme point
        } else {                                        // arc passes extreme point
            // sort these arcs by length
            test_arcs.sort((arc1, arc2) => arc1.length - arc2.length);

            for (let i = 0; i < test_arcs.length; i++) {
                let prev_arc = func_arcs_array.length > 0 ? func_arcs_array[func_arcs_array.length - 1] : undefined;
                let new_arc;
                if (prev_arc) {
                    new_arc = new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, prev_arc.endAngle, test_arcs[i].endAngle, this.counterClockwise);
                } else {
                    new_arc = new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.startAngle, test_arcs[i].endAngle, this.counterClockwise);
                if (!Flatten.Utils.EQ_0(new_arc.length)) {

            // add last sub arc
            let prev_arc = func_arcs_array.length > 0 ? func_arcs_array[func_arcs_array.length - 1] : undefined;
            let new_arc;
            if (prev_arc) {
                new_arc = new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, prev_arc.endAngle, this.endAngle, this.counterClockwise);
            } else {
                new_arc = new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.startAngle, this.endAngle, this.counterClockwise);
            // It could be 2*PI when occasionally start = 0 and end = 2*PI but this is not valid for breakToFunctional
            if (!Flatten.Utils.EQ_0(new_arc.length) && !Flatten.Utils.EQ(new_arc.sweep, 2*Math.PI)) {
        return func_arcs_array;

     * Return tangent unit vector in the start point in the direction from start to end
     * @returns {Vector}
    tangentInStart() {
        let vec = new Flatten.Vector(this.pc, this.start);
        let angle = this.counterClockwise ? Math.PI / 2. : -Math.PI / 2.;
        return vec.rotate(angle).normalize();

     * Return tangent unit vector in the end point in the direction from end to start
     * @returns {Vector}
    tangentInEnd() {
        let vec = new Flatten.Vector(this.pc, this.end);
        let angle = this.counterClockwise ? -Math.PI / 2. : Math.PI / 2.;
        return vec.rotate(angle).normalize();

     * Returns new arc with swapped start and end angles and reversed direction
     * @returns {Arc}
    reverse() {
        return new Flatten.Arc(this.pc, this.r, this.endAngle, this.startAngle, !this.counterClockwise);

     * Return new arc transformed using affine transformation matrix <br/>
     * @param {Matrix} matrix - affine transformation matrix
     * @returns {Arc}
    transform(matrix = new Flatten.Matrix()) {
        let newStart = this.start.transform(matrix);
        let newEnd = this.end.transform(matrix);
        let newCenter = this.pc.transform(matrix);
        let newDirection = this.counterClockwise;
        if (matrix.a * matrix.d < 0) {
          newDirection = !newDirection;
        return Flatten.Arc.arcSE(newCenter, newStart, newEnd, newDirection);

    static arcSE(center, start, end, counterClockwise) {
        let {vector} = Flatten;
        let startAngle = vector(center, start).slope;
        let endAngle = vector(center, end).slope;
        if (Flatten.Utils.EQ(startAngle, endAngle)) {
            endAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
            counterClockwise = true;
        let r = vector(center, start).length;

        return new Flatten.Arc(center, r, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise);

    definiteIntegral(ymin = 0) {
        let f_arcs = this.breakToFunctional();
        let area = f_arcs.reduce((acc, arc) => acc + arc.circularSegmentDefiniteIntegral(ymin), 0.0);
        return area;

    circularSegmentDefiniteIntegral(ymin) {
        let line = new Flatten.Line(this.start, this.end);
        let onLeftSide = this.pc.leftTo(line);
        let segment = new Flatten.Segment(this.start, this.end);
        let areaTrapez = segment.definiteIntegral(ymin);
        let areaCircularSegment = this.circularSegmentArea();
        let area = onLeftSide ? areaTrapez - areaCircularSegment : areaTrapez + areaCircularSegment;
        return area;

    circularSegmentArea() {
        return (0.5 * this.r * this.r * (this.sweep - Math.sin(this.sweep)))

     * Sort given array of points from arc start to end, assuming all points lay on the arc
     * @param {Point[]} pts array of points
     * @returns {Point[]} new array sorted
    sortPoints(pts) {
        let {vector} = Flatten;
        return pts.slice().sort( (pt1, pt2) => {
            let slope1 = vector(this.pc, pt1).slope;
            let slope2 = vector(this.pc, pt2).slope;
            if (slope1 < slope2) {
                return -1;
            if (slope1 > slope2) {
                return 1;
            return 0;

    get name() {
        return "arc"

     * Return string to draw arc in svg
     * @param {Object} attrs - an object with attributes of svg path element
     * @returns {string}
    svg(attrs = {}) {
        let largeArcFlag = this.sweep <= Math.PI ? "0" : "1";
        let sweepFlag = this.counterClockwise ? "1" : "0";

        if (Flatten.Utils.EQ(this.sweep, 2 * Math.PI)) {
            let circle = new Flatten.Circle(this.pc, this.r);
            return circle.svg(attrs);
        } else {
            return `\n<path d="M${this.start.x},${this.start.y}
                             A${this.r},${this.r} 0 ${largeArcFlag},${sweepFlag} ${this.end.x},${this.end.y}"
                    ${convertToString({fill: "none", ...attrs})} />`


Flatten.Arc = Arc;
 * Function to create arc equivalent to "new" constructor
 * @param args
export const arc = (...args) => new Flatten.Arc(...args);
Flatten.arc = arc;