
 * Created by Alex Bol on 3/31/2017.
'use strict';

import Node from './node.js';
import {RB_TREE_COLOR_RED, RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK} from '../utils/constants.js';

// const nil_node = new Node();

 * Implementation of interval binary search tree <br/>
 * Interval tree stores items which are couples of {key:interval, value: value} <br/>
 * Interval is an object with high and low properties or simply pair [low,high] of numeric values <br />
 * @type {IntervalTree}
class IntervalTree {
     * Construct new empty instance of IntervalTree
    constructor() {
        this.root = null;
        this.nil_node = new Node();

     * Returns number of items stored in the interval tree
     * @returns {number}
    get size() {
        let count = 0;
        this.tree_walk(this.root, () => count++);
        return count;

     * Returns array of sorted keys in the ascending order
     * @returns {Array}
    get keys() {
        let res = [];
        this.tree_walk(this.root, (node) => res.push(
            node.item.key.output ? node.item.key.output() : node.item.key
        return res;

     * Return array of values in the ascending keys order
     * @returns {Array}
    get values() {
        let res = [];
        this.tree_walk(this.root, (node) => res.push(node.item.value));
        return res;

     * Returns array of items (<key,value> pairs) in the ascended keys order
     * @returns {Array}
    get items() {
        let res = [];
        this.tree_walk(this.root, (node) => res.push({
            key: node.item.key.output ? node.item.key.output() : node.item.key,
            value: node.item.value
        return res;

     * Returns true if tree is empty
     * @returns {boolean}
    isEmpty() {
        return (this.root == null || this.root == this.nil_node);

     * Clear tree
    clear() {
        this.root = null

     * Insert new item into interval tree
     * @param {Interval} key - interval object or array of two numbers [low, high]
     * @param {any} value - value representing any object (optional)
     * @returns {Node} returns reference to inserted node as an object {key:interval, value: value}
    insert(key, value = key) {
        if (key === undefined) return;
        let insert_node = new Node(key, value, this.nil_node, this.nil_node, null, RB_TREE_COLOR_RED);
        return insert_node;

     * Returns true if item {key,value} exist in the tree
     * @param {Interval} key - interval correspondent to keys stored in the tree
     * @param {any} value - value object to be checked
     * @returns {boolean} true if item {key, value} exist in the tree, false otherwise
    exist(key, value = key) {
        let search_node = new Node(key, value);
        return this.tree_search(this.root, search_node) ? true : false;

     * Remove entry {key, value} from the tree
     * @param {Interval} key - interval correspondent to keys stored in the tree
     * @param {any} value - value object
     * @returns {boolean} true if item {key, value} deleted, false if not found
    remove(key, value = key) {
        let search_node = new Node(key, value);
        let delete_node = this.tree_search(this.root, search_node);
        if (delete_node) {
        return delete_node;

     * Returns array of entry values which keys intersect with given interval <br/>
     * If no values stored in the tree, returns array of keys which intersect given interval
     * @param {Interval} interval - search interval, or tuple [low, high]
     * @param outputMapperFn(value,key) - optional function that maps (value, key) to custom output
     * @returns {Array}
    search(interval, outputMapperFn = (value, key) => value === key ? key.output() : value) {
        let search_node = new Node(interval);
        let resp_nodes = [];
        this.tree_search_interval(this.root, search_node, resp_nodes);
        return => outputMapperFn(node.item.value, node.item.key))

     * Returns true if intersection between given and any interval stored in the tree found
     * @param {Interval} interval - search interval or tuple [low, high]
     * @returns {boolean}
    intersect_any(interval) {
        let search_node = new Node(interval);
        let found = this.tree_find_any_interval(this.root, search_node);
        return found;

     * Tree visitor. For each node implement a callback function. <br/>
     * Method calls a callback function with two parameters (key, value)
     * @param visitor(key,value) - function to be called for each tree item
    forEach(visitor) {
        this.tree_walk(this.root, (node) => visitor(node.item.key, node.item.value));

     * Value Mapper. Walk through every node and map node value to another value
     * @param callback(value,key) - function to be called for each tree item
    map(callback) {
        const tree = new IntervalTree();
        this.tree_walk(this.root, (node) => tree.insert(node.item.key, callback(node.item.value, node.item.key)));
        return tree;

     * @param {Interval} interval - optional if the iterator is intended to start from the beginning
     * @param outputMapperFn(value,key) - optional function that maps (value, key) to custom output
     * @returns {Iterator}
    *iterate(interval, outputMapperFn = (value, key) => value === key ? key.output() : value) {
        let node;
        if (interval) {
            node = this.tree_search_nearest_forward(this.root, new Node(interval));
        } else if (this.root) {
            node = this.local_minimum(this.root);
        while (node) {
            yield outputMapperFn(node.item.value, node.item.key);
            node = this.tree_successor(node);

    recalc_max(node) {
        let node_current = node;
        while (node_current.parent != null) {
            node_current = node_current.parent;

    tree_insert(insert_node) {
        let current_node = this.root;
        let parent_node = null;

        if (this.root == null || this.root == this.nil_node) {
            this.root = insert_node;
        else {
            while (current_node != this.nil_node) {
                parent_node = current_node;
                if (insert_node.less_than(current_node)) {
                    current_node = current_node.left;
                else {
                    current_node = current_node.right;

            insert_node.parent = parent_node;

            if (insert_node.less_than(parent_node)) {
                parent_node.left = insert_node;
            else {
                parent_node.right = insert_node;


// After insertion insert_node may have red-colored parent, and this is a single possible violation
// Go upwords to the root and re-color until violation will be resolved
    insert_fixup(insert_node) {
        let current_node;
        let uncle_node;

        current_node = insert_node;
        while (current_node != this.root && current_node.parent.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_RED) {
            if (current_node.parent == current_node.parent.parent.left) {   // parent is left child of grandfather
                uncle_node = current_node.parent.parent.right;              // right brother of parent
                if (uncle_node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_RED) {             // Case 1. Uncle is red
                    // re-color father and uncle into black
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    uncle_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    current_node.parent.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;
                    current_node = current_node.parent.parent;
                else {                                                    // Case 2 & 3. Uncle is black
                    if (current_node == current_node.parent.right) {     // Case 2. Current if right child
                        // This case is transformed into Case 3.
                        current_node = current_node.parent;
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;    // Case 3. Current is left child.
                    // Re-color father and grandfather, rotate grandfather right
                    current_node.parent.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;
            else {                                                         // parent is right child of grandfather
                uncle_node = current_node.parent.parent.left;              // left brother of parent
                if (uncle_node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_RED) {             // Case 4. Uncle is red
                    // re-color father and uncle into black
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    uncle_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    current_node.parent.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;
                    current_node = current_node.parent.parent;
                else {
                    if (current_node == current_node.parent.left) {             // Case 5. Current is left child
                        // Transform into case 6
                        current_node = current_node.parent;
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;    // Case 6. Current is right child.
                    // Re-color father and grandfather, rotate grandfather left
                    current_node.parent.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;

        this.root.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;

    tree_delete(delete_node) {
        let cut_node;   // node to be cut - either delete_node or successor_node  ("y" from 14.4)
        let fix_node;   // node to fix rb tree property   ("x" from 14.4)

        if (delete_node.left == this.nil_node || delete_node.right == this.nil_node) {  // delete_node has less then 2 children
            cut_node = delete_node;
        else {                                                    // delete_node has 2 children
            cut_node = this.tree_successor(delete_node);

        // fix_node if single child of cut_node
        if (cut_node.left != this.nil_node) {
            fix_node = cut_node.left;
        else {
            fix_node = cut_node.right;

        // remove cut_node from parent
        /*if (fix_node != this.nil_node) {*/
            fix_node.parent = cut_node.parent;

        if (cut_node == this.root) {
            this.root = fix_node;
        else {
            if (cut_node == cut_node.parent.left) {
                cut_node.parent.left = fix_node;
            else {
                cut_node.parent.right = fix_node;
            cut_node.parent.update_max();        // update max property of the parent

        this.recalc_max(fix_node);              // update max property upward from fix_node to root

        // COPY DATA !!!
        // Delete_node becomes cut_node, it means that we cannot hold reference
        // to node in outer structure and we will have to delete by key, additional search need
        if (cut_node != delete_node) {
            delete_node.update_max();           // update max property of the cut node at the new place
            this.recalc_max(delete_node);       // update max property upward from delete_node to root

        if (/*fix_node != this.nil_node && */cut_node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK) {

    delete_fixup(fix_node) {
        let current_node = fix_node;
        let brother_node;

        while (current_node != this.root && current_node.parent != null && current_node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK) {
            if (current_node == current_node.parent.left) {          // fix node is left child
                brother_node = current_node.parent.right;
                if (brother_node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_RED) {   // Case 1. Brother is red
                    brother_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;         // re-color brother
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;    // re-color father
                    brother_node = current_node.parent.right;                      // update brother
                // Derive to cases 2..4: brother is black
                if (brother_node.left.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK &&
                    brother_node.right.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK) {  // case 2: both nephews black
                    brother_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;              // re-color brother
                    current_node = current_node.parent;                  // continue iteration
                else {
                    if (brother_node.right.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK) {   // case 3: left nephew red, right nephew black
                        brother_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;          // re-color brother
                        brother_node.left.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;   // re-color nephew
                        brother_node = current_node.parent.right;                     // update brother
                        // Derive to case 4: left nephew black, right nephew red
                    // case 4: left nephew black, right nephew red
                    brother_node.color = current_node.parent.color;
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    brother_node.right.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    current_node = this.root;                         // exit from loop
            else {                                             // fix node is right child
                brother_node = current_node.parent.left;
                if (brother_node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_RED) {   // Case 1. Brother is red
                    brother_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;         // re-color brother
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;    // re-color father
                    brother_node = current_node.parent.left;                        // update brother
                // Go to cases 2..4
                if (brother_node.left.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK &&
                    brother_node.right.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK) {   // case 2
                    brother_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;             // re-color brother
                    current_node = current_node.parent;                              // continue iteration
                else {
                    if (brother_node.left.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK) {  // case 3: right nephew red, left nephew black
                        brother_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_RED;            // re-color brother
                        brother_node.right.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;    // re-color nephew
                        brother_node = current_node.parent.left;                        // update brother
                        // Derive to case 4: right nephew black, left nephew red
                    // case 4: right nephew black, left nephew red
                    brother_node.color = current_node.parent.color;
                    current_node.parent.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    brother_node.left.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;
                    current_node = this.root;                               // force exit from loop

        current_node.color = RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK;

    tree_search(node, search_node) {
        if (node == null || node == this.nil_node)
            return undefined;

        if (search_node.equal_to(node)) {
            return node;
        if (search_node.less_than(node)) {
            return this.tree_search(node.left, search_node);
        else {
            return this.tree_search(node.right, search_node);

    tree_search_nearest_forward(node, search_node) {
        let best;
        let curr = node;
        while (curr && curr != this.nil_node) {
            if (curr.less_than(search_node)) {
                if (curr.intersect(search_node) && (!best || curr.less_than(best))) best = curr;
                curr = curr.right;
            } else {
                if (!best || curr.less_than(best)) best = curr;
                curr = curr.left;
        return best || null;

    // Original search_interval method; container res support push() insertion
    // Search all intervals intersecting given one
    tree_search_interval(node, search_node, res) {
        if (node != null && node != this.nil_node) {
            // if (node->left != this.nil_node && node->left->max >= low) {
            if (node.left != this.nil_node && !node.not_intersect_left_subtree(search_node)) {
                this.tree_search_interval(node.left, search_node, res);
            // if (low <= node->high && node->low <= high) {
            if (node.intersect(search_node)) {
            // if (node->right != this.nil_node && node->low <= high) {
            if (node.right != this.nil_node && !node.not_intersect_right_subtree(search_node)) {
                this.tree_search_interval(node.right, search_node, res);

    tree_find_any_interval(node, search_node) {
        let found = false;
        if (node != null && node != this.nil_node) {
            // if (node->left != this.nil_node && node->left->max >= low) {
            if (node.left != this.nil_node && !node.not_intersect_left_subtree(search_node)) {
                found = this.tree_find_any_interval(node.left, search_node);
            // if (low <= node->high && node->low <= high) {
            if (!found) {
                found = node.intersect(search_node);
            // if (node->right != this.nil_node && node->low <= high) {
            if (!found && node.right != this.nil_node && !node.not_intersect_right_subtree(search_node)) {
                found = this.tree_find_any_interval(node.right, search_node);
        return found;

    local_minimum(node) {
        let node_min = node;
        while (node_min.left != null && node_min.left != this.nil_node) {
            node_min = node_min.left;
        return node_min;

    // not in use
    local_maximum(node) {
        let node_max = node;
        while (node_max.right != null && node_max.right != this.nil_node) {
            node_max = node_max.right;
        return node_max;

    tree_successor(node) {
        let node_successor;
        let current_node;
        let parent_node;

        if (node.right != this.nil_node) {
            node_successor = this.local_minimum(node.right);
        else {
            current_node = node;
            parent_node = node.parent;
            while (parent_node != null && parent_node.right == current_node) {
                current_node = parent_node;
                parent_node = parent_node.parent;
            node_successor = parent_node;
        return node_successor;

    //           |            right-rotate(T,y)       |
    //           y            ---------------.       x
    //          / \                                  / \
    //         x   c          left-rotate(T,x)      a   y
    //        / \             <---------------         / \
    //       a   b                                    b   c

    rotate_left(x) {
        let y = x.right;

        x.right = y.left;           // b goes to x.right

        if (y.left != this.nil_node) {
            y.left.parent = x;     // x becomes parent of b
        y.parent = x.parent;       // move parent

        if (x == this.root) {
            this.root = y;           // y becomes root
        else {                        // y becomes child of x.parent
            if (x == x.parent.left) {
                x.parent.left = y;
            else {
                x.parent.right = y;
        y.left = x;                 // x becomes left child of y
        x.parent = y;               // and y becomes parent of x

        if (x != null && x != this.nil_node) {

        y = x.parent;
        if (y != null && y != this.nil_node) {

    rotate_right(y) {
        let x = y.left;

        y.left = x.right;           // b goes to y.left

        if (x.right != this.nil_node) {
            x.right.parent = y;        // y becomes parent of b
        x.parent = y.parent;          // move parent

        if (y == this.root) {        // x becomes root
            this.root = x;
        else {                        // y becomes child of x.parent
            if (y == y.parent.left) {
                y.parent.left = x;
            else {
                y.parent.right = x;
        x.right = y;                 // y becomes right child of x
        y.parent = x;               // and x becomes parent of y

        if (y != null && y != this.nil_node) {

        x = y.parent;
        if (x != null && x != this.nil_node) {

    tree_walk(node, action) {
        if (node != null && node != this.nil_node) {
            this.tree_walk(node.left, action);
            // arr.push(node.toArray());
            this.tree_walk(node.right, action);

    /* Return true if all red nodes have exactly two black child nodes */
    testRedBlackProperty() {
        let res = true;
        this.tree_walk(this.root, function (node) {
            if (node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_RED) {
                if (!(node.left.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK && node.right.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK)) {
                    res = false;
        return res;

    /* Throw error if not every path from root to bottom has same black height */
    testBlackHeightProperty(node) {
        let height = 0;
        let heightLeft = 0;
        let heightRight = 0;
        if (node.color == RB_TREE_COLOR_BLACK) {
        if (node.left != this.nil_node) {
            heightLeft = this.testBlackHeightProperty(node.left);
        else {
            heightLeft = 1;
        if (node.right != this.nil_node) {
            heightRight = this.testBlackHeightProperty(node.right);
        else {
            heightRight = 1;
        if (heightLeft != heightRight) {
            throw new Error('Red-black height property violated');
        height += heightLeft;
        return height;

export default IntervalTree;